Lindsey Cooper helps her son Jackson walk down the playground steps. Cooper says that each child has proven to her again and again how much love her heart is capable of. [Dana Sparks/The Register-Guard]
people can help to combat sex trafficking.
Here are contacts, organizations and tips to help:
National Human Trafficking Hotline: Aims to connect victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and support to get help and stay safe. The tip line is confidential, 24/7 365 days a year, users may report a tip or request assistance anonymously. English, Spanish and in more than 200 languages as well as hearing and speech-impaired (dial 711). Call 888-373-7888 (toll-free); Text: BEFREE 233733; online chat at
Called to Rescue: Non-emergency line that can be used anonymously to report abuse or trafficking. Call or text 1-855-646-5484
Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS): Lane County crisis support line for those who have recently experienced a sexual assault, survivors of past sexual violence, and for friends, families or partners of those victimized by sexual assault or abuse, 24/7. Call 541-343-7277 or 1-844-404-7700 (toll-free)
Womenspace: 24/7 crisis and support line from Lane County’s Womenspace, which has been providing safety, hope, and healing to survivors of intimate partner violence for over 40 years. Call 541-485-6513 or 1-800-281-2800 (toll-free)
Hope Ranch Ministries: Faith-based fellowship in Lane County committed to providing safety, healing and hope for survivors of human trafficking. Call 541-255-2151
Shared Hope International: Dedicated to bringing an end to sex trafficking through a three-pronged approach – prevent, restore and bring justice. They provide education, support and collaborate with many partners and organizations in an effort to support survivors and combat sex trafficking.
Called to Rescue: A nonprofit organization that helps rescue children who are missing, have been abused or trafficked; leads an awareness and prevention campaign to advocate for the protection of children victimized by abuse.
Hope Ranch Ministries: A faith-based fellowship and nonprofit in Lane County committed to providing safety, healing and hope for survivors of human trafficking. They aim to raise hope for survivors of human trafficking in the Eugene-Springfield area. Their mission is to grow a community of compassionate, safe people who can raise awareness and provide responsive, caring, and practical help for survivors.
Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS): A nonprofit organization providing outreach, advocacy and support to survivors of sexual violence and their partners, families and friends throughout Eugene-Springfield and the rest of Lane County.
Kids’ FIRST: Since 1994, the nonprofit has been Lane County’s child abuse intervention center, providing a central location for a multidisciplinary team approach to child abuse investigations, to reduce trauma for children who have been victims of or witnesses to crime.
Looking Glass Community Services: A nonprofit organization that provides assistance to individuals in the community, helping them lead more productive and fulfilling lives. offering a wide range of services aimed toward solving challenges related to educational deficits, behavioral health issues, drug addiction, and homelessness. The organization is nationally accredited by the Council on Accreditation and is committed to providing exceptional customer service to the children, adolescents, and adults of Lane County.
Womenspace: A nonprofit organization in Eugene that provides free, confidential services to any victim of domestic violence recent or past. They also help family members and friends of those who have been assaulted or abused. Their mission is to end domestic violence in the community through empowerment, advocacy, education, awareness and action for social change regardless of age, gender, identity, race, ethnicity, color, religion, culture, national origin, sexual orientation, economic status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability.
Ophelia’s Place: A prevention-based nonprofit organization in Lane County dedicated to helping girls ages 10-18 make healthy life choices through empowerment, education and support.
Junior League of Eugene: An organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers, dedicated to serving our community’s youth, family and the underserved.
The Hosea Youth Services Project: A nonprofit organization in Eugene aiming to help the at-risk and homeless youth of Lane County, ages 16-24, create and sustain healthy lives away from the streets. Understanding that their vision to keep at-risk and homeless youth off the streets is lofty and may seem to be an unattainable goal, but it always keeps pursuing by helping them create and sustain healthy lives away from the streets.
Transformation Ink: A community-funded survivor rehabilitation project by local tattoo artist Suzen Tattoozen-Tanton of Whiteaker Tattoo Collective and local business owner and nonprofit consultant Vanessa Truett, where survivors who were “branded” or forcibly tattooed during their time of victimization can apply for a cover-up tattoo that would cover and transform the brand, and is completely free.
Polaris Project: A leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery; Named after the North Star that guided slaves to freedom in the U.S., Polaris systemically disrupts the human trafficking networks that rob human beings of their lives and their freedom. Its comprehensive model puts victims at the center of what they do – helping survivors restore their freedom, preventing more victims, and leveraging data and technology to pursue traffickers wherever they operate.
Human Trafficking Center: Its vision is to see freedom secured for victims of human trafficking through long-term solutions founded on comprehensive research.
National Human Trafficking Hotline: Operated by Polaris Project, the hotline connects victims or survivors with vetted services and supports around the country. It is not a government entity, law enforcement, immigration or an investigative agency.
Blue Campaign: A national public awareness campaign focused on prevention of human trafficking and protection of exploited persons; designed to educate the public, law enforcement and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking and how to appropriately respond to possible cases. It works closely with DHS components to create general awareness training and materials for law enforcement and others to increase detection of human trafficking, and to identify victims.
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children - Lane County Multidisciplinary Task Force (CSEC MDT): A collaborative effort to bring together and leverage local resources to address the issue of sex trafficking in Lane County, with the focus of identifying and serving victim/survivors as well as identifying and holding offenders accountable. Intended to support and encourage a collaborative effort among local law enforcement, prosecution, victim/survivor service providers and a diverse group of practitioners to provide comprehensive services. The team works to discover and respond effectively to child sex trafficking in pursuit of the most comprehensive response to the crime and to victim/survivors. Involved agencies include: Kids’ FIRST, Lane County District Attorney’s Office, US Attorney’s Office, Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS), Eugene Police Department, Springfield Police Department, Lane County Sheriff’s Office, FBI, Junior League of Eugene, Looking Glass Youth and Family Services, Lane County Department of Youth Services, Department of Human Services Child Welfare, and others.
Eugene Coalition Against Exploitation of Youth (ECASEY): This committee, part of Lane County CSEC MDT, is focused on reducing child sex trafficking by partnering with local school districts to provide community outreach and promote public awareness of technology-facilitated exploitation of children.
Lane County Against Trafficking: A local task force started within Hope Ranch Ministries that aims to grow a community of compassionate, safe people who can raise awareness and provide responsive, caring, and practical help for survivors.