About Give A Christmas
Every year since 1988, The Intelligencer has asked readers to open their hearts and their wallets to help their neighbors in need. Each year, they've responded with an outpouring that defines the true meaning of the holidays.
The 2021 holiday season marks the 34th year of the Give A Christmas fund. Over that time, the community has contributed nearly $3 million to help those less fortunate.
This year’s Give A Christmas fund goal is $165,000.
The Give A Christmas fund is administered by the Bucks County Opportunity Council with 10 percent of the proceeds shared with Keystone Opportunity Center. The two nonprofit agencies work on behalf of Give A Christmas to identify individuals and families needing financial assistance during the holidays.
The fund provides for a variety of assistance — from traditional help buying gifts and groceries to rental assistance, medical bills or utility needs. After the program satisfies eligible requests for assistance during the holidays, the remaining fund balance may be used by the agencies to provide similar types of assistance needed at other times of the year.
In 2020, the community contributed $285,000.30 to Give A Christmas, which allowed the Opportunity Council to provide assistance to 598 families (1,790 individuals) with the average assistance per family of $192. Of the families served, the average family income was $17,597.
The Intelligencer's Give A
All donations will be acknowledged in the newspaper unless anonymity is requested.
TO GET HELP: If you wish to inquire about eligibility for Give A Christmas
TO GIVE HELP: To mail a donation, use the donation coupon from the newspaper or download a copy at www.theintell.com/
To contact the newspaper for a question about publication of a donation, contact the Enterprise News Director Crissa Shoemaker at cshoemaker@theintell.com.
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